Scientists enjoy a high level of public trust. Furthermore, most researchers think that communicating science to a public audience is both important and fun (find the evidence for both claims here). PIER thus decided to set up a website which researchers from DESY and Uni Hamburg can use to reach out to the public.
Photon Science / Popular Science / YouTube Videos
A Journey of Light – Video by Rashmi Singla
August 22, 2022
Daniel says:Thanks for the information and very useful :)
Saad says:
Saad says:
Saad says:
- academic life astronomy Astrophysics ATLAS black holes chirality color cosmic magnetic fields cosmology dark matter dynamo dynamo efficiency early Universe gravitational waves Higgs boson hubbletension intergalactic magnetic fields inverse problems Large Hadron Collider LHC low Mach number mathematical imaging MHD Nanoparticle neutron stars nuclear resonance scattering particle physics phase retrieval PhD life photon science physics Podcast popular science primordial magnetic fields ptychography qcd Reionization simulations small scale dynamo spanish spectroscopy standard model synchrotron radiation turbulence universe
Articles by Category
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- Nanoscience (1)
- Particle Physics (4)
- Photon Science (5)
- Podcast (13)
- Popular Science (3)
- Science Communication (2)
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- YouTube Videos (4)